Where Adventure Lives

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If the Carl and Ellie’s love story at the beginning of Up didn’t leave your eyes teary, your throat all choked up and your heart full and heavy, were you even watching?

“Adventure is out there!”

I’ve always been something of a nomad. I crave adventure, an escape from reality, and mostly just more. More experiences, more beauty, more culture, more depth, more life. When the everyday gets mundane, my mind wanders and naturally, my desire to wander with it burns fierce.

Rob is not a nomad. He’s a homebody, a homemaker, a stabilizer. All our recent adult behavior has been at his influence. I cried when we spent all our money on a down payment for a house. I cried when we got a dog…and once or twice or fifty times since. When we invest in home improvements instead of vacations, I usually cry.

I haven’t quite mastered this adulting gig. Thankfully, Rob is eternally patient. He consoles me through my weekly freak-outs (weekly is conservative). He understands my need to travel and though he’d rather stay home and save money, we take a lot of vacations.

Carl and Ellie’s love story hits home for us, ever so literally. I gave Rob “Our Adventure Book” on our wedding day, filled with memories from the years we’ve spent together. Ironically (for me), so many highlights happened right here, during our everyday life. I just finished adding our first year of marriage to our scrapbook and again, I’m reminded of what an adventure this life is, what a splendid adventure it is to be married to Robert Stettler.

Adventure is out there. And it’s also right here.


P.s. I really do love my dog. Promise. 😊

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