Maternity Pants

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Being pregnant is a kick in the pants. A kick in the maternity pants, that is, in the elastic part that covers your entire ever-growing midsection. Many of them. Okay, this analogy might be a stretch…get it? Haha. Anyhow, I’m trying to say that the little human living inside me is the most incredible source of inspiration and motivation.

I find myself thanking my sweet baby when he kicks and wiggles inside me all day long. I guess I’m thanking him for the reminders that he’s okay in there. He’s okay, he’s real and he’s ours. Ours to love on, ours to provide for, ours to encourage, ours to celebrate, ours to teach, ours to learn from.  Maybe it’s a nesting phenomenon, I’m not sure, but feeling him move urges me to move and act on my own dreams while simultaneously immersing myself in the present completely, more so than I’ve ever been able to do before.  Our forever on this earth spans a number of todays and today is the most important day there has ever been or ever will be.

Happy Friday!

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