“Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails”

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Rob and I talked about our first baby long before that magic poppy seed started growing in my belly. We agreed we wouldn’t find out our baby’s gender before it was born because what grander surprise could life bring? But then we got pregnant and I just had to know. Not for the onesies or the nursery decorations or anything like that- I wanted to stop referring to my child as “it”. I couldn’t have predicted that would bother me when Rob and I playfully negotiated timing amongst the Hawaiian palms last year. Life’s surprises truly are hidden in plain sight everywhere we look. Each mother bonds with her unborn baby differently and I knew knowing my baby’s gender would help me create a deeper bond.

It’s a BOY! Being able to talk to him and about him and feel his little flutters and hear my husband ask how our son is doing by name with his hand on my belly… so SO special. We’ve had a blissful few days as a little family. It can be difficult to picture a life centered around a tiny human we haven’t met because the experience will be brand new to us. We don’t have a reference point. Silly as it sounds, giving our tiny human a name and identity helps bring our new reality into perspective and makes it that much more real to us in these moments before he is in our arms.

Our sweet friend hosted a gender reveal party for us this past weekend and another sweet friend (who happens to be a professional baker) visited all the way from Wisconsin and made us a gender reveal cake. I would have scoffed had you told my younger, 26-year-old self I’d have a gender reveal party… but I’m 27 now 😉 and I’m so happy to continue learning all I don’t know. Celebrating our baby boy with a party was a dream! I feel like the luckiest mama in the world to be surrounded by so many incredible goof balls who already love my son. We’re going to have a lot of little parties once he’s here because life should be celebrated. Mark your calendars for baby boy’s “I Lost My First Tooth” party in 2023!

Thank you Nellie and Steph and our family and friends. We love you all! ❤

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